Monday, 21 September 2015

The benefits of drinking Ceylon tea

The benefits of drinking Ceylon tea are remarkable, so don't let the abundance of  Ceylon tea research distract you from what black tea has to offer!
 Ceylon tea, with its rich, full-bodied flavor isn't only a delight to the taste buds, but it's brimming with health benefits, as well. Ceylon tea isn't just your grandmother's tea... it's a smart and delicious choice for you, too.
 Health benefits are many, including...

Black tea can help manage - or even prevent - diabetes. 
Ceylon Tea which are carbohydrates that work to slow blood sugar absorption - a potential benefit to those battling with diabetes. Even better - regularly drinking Ceylon tea may protect you from developing diabetes in the first place! 

Ceylon tea protects your heart health. Benefits of drinking Ceylon tea include decreasing your risk of cardiovascular disease (such as heart attack and stroke). As little as 3 cups of our Ceylon tea per day can decrease the chance of cardiovascular death by as much as 11%.
Ceylon tea may help with weight loss - in fact, research indicates that countries with high black-tea consumption have lower levels of obesity. Black tea helps to regulate blood sugar levels, leaving you feeling more balanced and satisfied - and craving fewer sweets! The caffeine in black tea may also enhance weight loss.
And, Ceylon tea  antioxidants are known for contributing to weight management - they boost metabolism and help the body burn fat more effectively. As such, black tea may be a positive addition to your overall weight loss plan, along with staying active, making wise food choices, and getting plenty of rest.

The antioxidants in
 Ceylon tea  can also help reverse the visible effects of aging (like wrinkles and reduced skin elasticity). Time, stress, too much sun, and unhealthy eating can hurt the skin and cause it to age more than we'd like... This antioxidant-packed beverage works to reverse the damage, making your skin look younger, firmer, and more radiant.

Alltime Tea's Tea products :

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