Wednesday 30 September 2015

What Are the Health Benefits of Sri Lankan Tea?

When we have a Close-up of a man drinking a cup of Sri Lankan Tea will boost his confidence. As
Sri Lankan Tea from Sri Lanka, a small island in the Indian Ocean named ''Ceylon'' by British colonists.

 Ceylon refers to the geographical region in which the tea plant (Camellia sinesis) is grown, not to a specific type of tea. Green and black teas flavours of Sri Lankan Tea are grown in Sri Lanka and may improve your health and prevent illness in the future.

Sri Lankan Tea

Sri Lankan Tea  is prepared from the fresh leaves of the Camellia sinesis plant which is effective for increasing mental alertness. As Sri Lankan Tea will help to prevent some forms of cancer, lower the risk of Parkinson's disease, lower blood pressure and high cholesterol, prevent orthostatic hypertension and reduce the abnormal cell growth patterns

Sri Lankan Tea is made from the aged stems and leaves of the growing tea plant. Like green tea, Sri Lankan Tea helps with mental alertness and acuity. Sri Lankan Tea may reduce your risk of atherosclerosis, ovarian cancer.

Our Website :

Our Tea products :

Ceylon Tea
Ceylon Black Tea
Sri Lankan Tea
Loose Leaf Tea Australia

Monday 28 September 2015

What is Ceylon Tea?

Ceylon tea is a particularly prized from the land of  Sri Lanka. It has a golden brown color and rich aroma, intense flavor which many tea consumers greatly appreciate for drinking ceylon tea, and it is used straight as well as in tea blends.

The place  Sri Lanka is one of the largest tea producers in the world, and the flavor of Ceylon tea can be found all over the world as a result of srilanka's production of tea.

As far from old age history Tea producers quickly began to produce tea with a different  flavor and color, and Ceylon tea began to experience high demand product. The majority of Ceylon tea consumption is grown in the highlands of the country, with lower elevation teas being used as filler in tea blends.

 It can also be ordered through specialty importers, or enjoyed in tea blends which combine several varieties of tea, including Ceylon tea. The tea classically brews strong, dark, and flavorful, with complex hints of orange and spice. Like other black teas, Ceylon tea contains caffeine.

Our products :

Ceylon Tea
Ceylon Black Tea
Sri Lankan Tea
Loose Leaf Tea

Friday 25 September 2015

wholesale tea suppliers Australia

Are you a restaurant or cafe looking for a new and exciting tea for your customers? Do you want to offer your customers more than just tea in a tea bag? Alltime Tea is available for all your wholesale tea needs.wholesale tea suppliers australia 

Alltimetea We have premium quality Ceylon black tea that is sure to delight your customers. Our loose leaf tea is available in one kilogram bags up to ten kilogram bags. We can cater for all your tea needs, no matter the quantity. We make the process of buying tea smooth from start to finish. Just place your order with us, and the order will delivered to your door as quickly as possible.

Alltime Tea is a premium black tea from the high-mountain region of Sri Lanka. It’s an excellent quality tea at a very affordable price. Enjoy the finest tea of the world, which brings the taste of relaxation, from nature to your hand...!

Monday 21 September 2015

Tea Suppliers

Alltime Tea offered comprises quality constituted black tea and comes processed from special handpicked tea so as to provide for rich taste and strong tea flavour as demanded by the customers. Some of its features include have malty flavour with strong bright colour; suitable for use as breakfast teas; available in sachet as well as bulk silver foil packaging for use with vending machines; superior moisture proof packaging support.

Backed with an ultramodern and sophisticated infrastructural facility, we are able to carry out our business operations in a well organized manner. With the help of our technologically advanced production machines and equipment in our manufacturing unit, we are able to manufacture a large product line in a cost efficient and speedy manner. Further, our Tea Suppliers to deliver these supreme quality products to the clients on time and safely, we Tea Suppliers Australia have a well established distribution spread across the globe. Owing to the ethical business practices, we are able to deliver maximum satisfaction to our clients.

As we are the best Tea Suppliers & our offered tea is processed using premium quality tea leaves and ultra-modern technology in compliance with industry standards. 
Our provided tea is widely praised among the clients for its delectable taste and perfect aroma. We offer this tea in various hygienic packaging options so as to ensure its purity. Besides, clients can avail this tea from us at nominal

Loose Leaf Tea

By selecting Loose Leaf Tea Australia, you have the additional option of actually adding some of the plant to your daily food intake. Scientific and medical research tells us drinking tea may improve our health. But it goes further to say some of the beneficial components in tea are not water soluble and so ingesting the leaf may provide even greater benefits. With teas such as Matcha (ceremonial tea) or Sencha (Japanese green tea), some of the actual leaf slips into your cup. In Japan it is common to eat the very fine fresh Shincha (first harvest Sencha) or Gyokuro (shaded green tea) leaves, after enjoying the brew. Simply add a little dressing and eat the brewed leaf like a small salad or add them to a stir fry or rice dish. I have eaten brewed loose tea leaves several way--they are delicious and full of vitamin A, vitamin E and protein.

Good quality 
loose leaf tea from Loose Leaf Tea Australia can be re-infused several times. The most important thing to remember when brewing Loose Leaf Tea Australia is to brew only what you can serve into your cup or serving pot at one time. Steep your tea and then pour ALL of the liquor off the loose tea leaves into your cup or serving pot. This practice allows you to then re-infuse your leaf with more hot water over and over again. Brewing Loose Leaf Tea Australia in this way is also the trick to keeping your green teas from turning bitter or your black teas from becoming burnt tasting. Most high quality Loose Leaf Tea Australia can be re-infused 5 or 6 times, with some Puerh or Oolongs giving up to 10-12 infusions from a single serving. This makes the actual cost per serving of premium loose leaf teas very inexpensive.

Loose Leaf Tea Australia is very easy once you know just a few simple tricks. The benefits compared to using a teabag are many.  I can think of no other single plant that has contributed so positively to mankind for as long, or in as many ways. Whether you are consuming tea for the numerous health benefits, eating tea for new and different experiences, or using tea to enrich your spiritual practices, I encourage you to consider forgoing the ease of teabags in favor of the wide world of loose leaf tea.

Sri Lankan tea

Sri Lankan tea carries behind it a heritage and success story like no other. A product that began as a diversification experiment in early acres of land has today surpassed all geographical borders to satisfy 19% of global demand. Reputed for its signature taste and aroma, Sri Lanka & Sri Lankan tea has become the world's third largest tea exporter to the world, the country's largest employer and has the distinction of supplying tea to the Olympic and Commonwealth Games. Sri Lankan tea is a great equalizer, demanding attention from the counter of the smallest eatery to the most exclusive tea-bars in the world.
 Sri Lankan tea is also the cleanest tea in the world in terms of opting out pesticide residues. Sri Lanka was also the first to achieve the "Ozone Friendly Tea" label recognized under the Montreal Protocol Treaty and is the proud owner of the first Ethical Tea Brand of the World recognized.

Be it black or green, drunk plain or with milk, we at “Alltime Tea” give the world quality
Sri Lankan tea that no one can match and which the connoisseur always wishes to drink. In doing so “Alltime Tea” keeps to their word in providing the world with Sri Lankan tea  that is “Naturally the Best”.

Antioxidants for a healthy lifestyle 

Sri Lankan tea contains vitamin B and C and trace amounts of riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, and pantothenic acid,Green tea contains Fluoride that helps reduce dental cavities, Sri Lankan tea has been found to help lower blood pressure. 

Sri Lankan tea consumption in the long term helps reduce bacteria in the intestine and boosts digestion. Sri Lankan tea helps dilate blood vessels easing blood flow. Sri Lankan tea is linked to prevention of organ and skin cancers. Sri Lankan tea may help the liver remove toxins. Sri Lankan tea contains antioxidants (polyphenols) that activate enzymes which dissolve excess triglyceride leading to weight loss.